Sunday 14 April 2013

Task Ei
Key search terms used for our client - ‘Can Drinks 1213’, ‘KA Drinks 1213’ and ‘A.G.Barr 1213’ managed to attract 720 people (Figure 1). The rankings of each search term has been shown within the screenshots. (Appendix) The referral statistics does not give a clear indication of page views from the referral websites (Figure 2). From the stats, we can see that majority of our visitors came from the 3 main URLs: Facebook, Google & Moodle. We could have used other web analytic, which we could compare and contrast for much accurate results, however we faced html coding challenges at the last minute (Figure 3).  Based on the analytics displayed on blogspot we can see inconsistent traffic to the blog. As we can see at times when there is an update, the views increased as compared to other times when there is no update. With this, we learn that constant updates plays an important role in driving traffic to the blog/website.

Figure 1
Figure 2

Figure 3

Task Eii
SwitchOnMarketing’s initial goal to promote the blog via social network, with each team member having a significant volume of network of friends, promoting the blog via social network went hand-in-hand. Part of SwitchOnMarketing plan was to regularly update statuses and tweets, encouraging large network to visit our blog for newly updated content and information, as well as share our status/tweets to their network of friends which would slowly help direct traffic to the blog; which we predicted to meet one of our client's (KA) main goal of gaining brand awareness. SwitchOnMarketing's social network promotion aim was realistic and achievable within our set time frame of 6 months, but the team suffered from achieving such goal due to reasons:

1) Failure to carry out the assigned activity of 15x per week regular status/tweet post

2) Failure to carry out the assigned activity of updating and monitoring blog content on a daily basis.

3) Failure to meet our predicted total of 3600 visits by the first 6 months of blog launch.

Task Eiii
Given an opportunity to re-do this campaign/for future campaigns, SwitchOnMarketing would take a different approach to ensure a better outcome;

1): Appoint a dedicated team leader responsible for ensuring effective team work & monitoring each team member's assigned roles & tasks. This could guarantee the team completing future tasks and meeting deadlines. This would help motivate the team to work harder, putting the team in a better position to achieve all goals.

2:) Demonstrate better creativity with the blog design, to make sure it is attractive & user-friendlier. Visitors’ interactivity would be an area to focus on via blog content posts which encourages readers to share their views. This form of interactivity amongst visitors and SwitchOnMarketing would serve a purpose of retaining visitors, therefore encouraging them to come back to the blog in future.

To amend blog address by including words such as: KA drinks. This could help meet our client's goal of gaining awareness and to put SwitchOnMarketing's work on the map for future opportunities from Businesses across the globe.

Rankings based on Search Terms

Can Drinks 1213 - No. 3 on Google Search

KA Drinks 1213 - No. 4 on Google Search
A.G.Barr 1213 - No.8 on Google Search

DMCM1213 - Page 6 on Google Search

The rankings for 'Can Drinks 1213', 'KA Drinks 1213' and 'A.G.Barr 1213' turn out to be pretty positive on search engines such as Google. However, it is found that the blog appears only on search terms 'DMCM1213'. This findings were believed that the agency had linked the previously mentioned terms to their blog, but not 'Digital Marketing Communication Management 1213'. 

Friday 5 April 2013

KA Drinks

KA was launched in the 1960's based on original Jamaican soft drink recipes. These recipes offer an authentic taste of the Caribbean.

KA Sparkling range is available in price marked packs of 2L PET bottles at £1.69, 500ml PET bottles at 89p and 330ml cans at 49p.

KA Stills range is available in price marked packs of 1L Cartons at £1.19, 500ml PET bottles at 89p and 288ml cartons at 49p.

Brand Facts
1. Heritage of 50 years: first launched in the 1960s by Kenneth Abbott.
2. The recipes for the KA range are authentic, great-tasting flavors offering consumers a true taste of the Caribbean.
3. KA is available in both sparkling and still varieties with Sparkling Kream Soda and Still Strawberry being the most recent additions to the range.

Product Information
Authentic recipes from the Caribbean.

Current flavor range:

  • Pineapple
  • Blackgrape
  • Mango
  • Karibbean Kola
  • Strawberry
  • Fruit Punch
  • Kream Soda
  • Ginger Beer

Thursday 4 April 2013

A G Barr news


IRN-BRU unveiled a brand new limited edition can design today (27 February) to mark its 
sponsorship of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games with the help of Olympian and 
Commonwealth Games medallist Peter Kirkbride. 

The special design draws on Barr’s packaging from 1901, when moustachioed Highland 
strongman, Adam Brown, featured on the original label of ‘IRON BREW’ as it was then known.
A.G. Barr, whose links with Glasgow date back more than 100 years, is supporting the Games 
through its wide portfolio of brands. The new limited edition design will help celebrate over a 
century of A.G.Barr’s sporting heritage, including early sports sponsorships involving Donald 
Dinnie, all round Champion Athlete of the World, and Alex Munro, Champion Caber Tosser of 
the World and Champion Wrestler.

Now available in shops across Scotland, the limited edition design features on IRN-BRU 
Regular and Sugar Free 330ml cans, and is the first in a series of three standout designs 
being created in the run up to Glasgow 2014, the largest multi-sport event Scotland has 
ever seen.

Weightlifter Peter Kirkbride from Kilmarnock, who won silver at the Commonwealth Games in 
Delhi in 2010 and was the only Scot on the five strong Team GB weightlifting squad at London 
2012, teamed up with Scotland’s other national drink to bring the special edition design to life
near the Clyde Auditorium – which will play host to the Glasgow 2014 weightlifting competition 
next year. 

Monday 1 April 2013



GSK is hoping to rev up its sluggish lucozade sport brand with a new line fronted by F1 ace Jenson Button.

Champions Choice, which contains caffeine and comes in mango and passion fruit and lemon & lime flavours (rsp: £1.30/500ml), is rolling out now in a limited-edition silver bottle backed by £1m spend including TV.

While the sports and energy market has risen 8.5% by value, Lucozade Sport has fallen 5.2% despite £15m relaunch in January 2012 [Neilsen 52 w/e 13 October 2012]. GSK's drinks business is under review.

GSK is also extending Ribena with mango and lime and pineapple and passion fruit RTD drinks backed by a £1.2m push. 

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Calls for soft drink sugar tax!!!

Source: BBC 2013

Leading medical bodies are calling for a 20p-per-litre levy on soft drinks to be included in this year's Budget.
More than 60 organisations, including the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, are backing the recommendation by food and farming charity Sustain.
They say it would raise £1bn a year in duty to fund free fruit and meals in schools to improve children's health.
The soft drinks industry says raising taxation is unnecessary.
The British Soft Drink Association (BSDA) says companies are already playing their part in the fight obesity.
The BSDA's director general Gavin Partington said 61% of soft drinks "now contain no added sugar and we have seen soft drinks companies lead the way in committing to further, voluntary action as part of th against e government's Responsibility Deal calorie-reduction pledge."
He said 10p from every 60p can of drink already goes to the government in tax.
"Putting up taxes even further will put pressure on people's purses at a time when they can ill afford it," he said.

    But Sustain says the tax is a simple measure that would help save lives by reducing sugar in our diets and raising money to protect children's health.
    It says the UK consumes more than 5,727 million litres of sugary soft drinks a year. Adding a 20p tax for every litre sold would raise more than £1.1bn.
    Mike Rayner, of the department of public health at Oxford University and chairman of Sustain, said: "Just as we use fiscal measures to discourage drinking and smoking and help prevent people from dying early, there is now lots of evidence that the same approach would work for food.
    "This modest proposal goes some way towards making the price of food reflect its true costs to society. Our obesity epidemic causes debilitating illness, life threatening diseases and misery for millions of people. It is high time government did something effective about this problem."
    A Department of Health spokeswoman said: "Our primary responsibility is to help the nation to be healthier.
    "We keep all international evidence under review. But we believe the voluntary action we have put in place is delivering results."
    Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham disagrees and says it is clear that a voluntary approach is not working.
    He said: "Labour is consulting on whether new limits on sugar, salt and fat content in food aimed at children would be a better way forward. This would help parents protect their children from foods which contain excessive levels of sugar, salt and fat in a way that a tax wouldn't."
    Over the past 10 years, the consumption of soft drinks containing added sugar has fallen by 9% while the incidence of obesity has increased by 15%.

    Monday 18 March 2013

    Task 4 - Video and Infographics

    Agency: SwitchOn Marketing
    Client: KA Drink by A.G.Barr

    Team members: 
    Didier Lai Lim (09432522)
    Becky May (10305426)
    Kwame Boahene (08154590)
    Ee Zhen Ng (12105713)

    Task 4: User Experience Video
    Kindly click here to view the video.

    Task 4: Infographics

    Tuesday 22 January 2013

    'Digital marketing' to become just 'marketing' in 2013

    Digital is set to lose its prefix and just be referred to as “marketing” this year as all marketers’ output will become “inherently digital” over the coming months, Forrester predicts.

    The research company forecasts that digital budgets will become 20 per cent of the total, accounting for about $50bn (£31bn) worldwide.
    It predicts the momentum of digital disruption will continue to grow across all verticals in 2013 – such as healthcare providers being challenged by personal tracking devices, broadcasters threatened by the likes of YouTube and banking platforms competing with new services such as Square.

    Forrester’s “Trends for the B2C CMO to watch in 2013” report warns these disruptors threaten to challenge all businesses if marketers do not expand the utility and value of the experience their brands deliver.
    The report, compiled by Forrester’s CMO and market leadership professionals analyst Corinne Munchbach, advises CMOs to work across departments and with executive peers to assess their digital readiness and identify where messages, actions and products can be improved by digital.
    Munchbach advises marketers to use surplus budget at the end of the fiscal year or tie funding for new projects to positive business results to ensure their companies commit funding to innovation projects.
    Budget should also be reorganised out of channel silos and into new cross-platform teams organised around consumer segments, with experts on the relevant media, channels and devices for that particular vertical, Muchbach says.
    The report also advises marketers to maintain a shared “centre of excellence” for broader campaigns to help achieve scale for overlapping initiatives and to establish a multifunctional group from the marketing, R&D, IT and operations divisions to track how digital elevates their parts of the business to improve the brand experience for consumers.
    In the UK, online and mobile ad spend increased 13 per cent to £2.6bn in the first half of 2012, according to the IAB and PwCs advertising expenditure report