Monday 5 November 2012

Assignment Task Aii & Aiii

The aim of SwithOnMarketing is to create brand awareness for AG Barr P.L.C’s water product Strathmore. Strathmore is relatively unknown within the UK market. The company has a number of products that hold greater presence in the UK market. As part of SwitchOnMarketing’s strategy, we aim to use social media platforms to advertise and create a better presence for the water. This can be achieved in different ways; we aim to do this by creating an advert Strathmore on the other products Facebook and Twitter pages such as Organina, Iron bru and Rubricon. We plan to reserve a small section on these pages where Strathmore water advertisement will be featured. The advert will be in a form of creative image with an HTML image link. A click on this image will take the user directly to the Strathmore social network page. Through this activity, we will be able to generate user traffic for the Strathmore page. On the Strathmore page, we plan to capture visitors attention and interest through the use of a marketing strategy; to have a quiz set up in place, with the winners having reward choices of; £5 ASDA vouchers or £10 off a gym membership, and a carton of 500ml Strathmore spring water. We believe that not only will this plan help Strathmore build online presence; it will build brand awareness and potentially generate more sales for AG Barr. The social network platforms we plan to work with are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Our main focus page will be Facebook, based on assumption that this is the most common platform for all AG Barr customers. The other websites will help Strathmore’s online presence and build brand awareness. We also plan to open an Instagram account where we will encourage customers to upload pictures of their experiences with the product. We hope that this method will help AG Barr build relationship with customers. With the plans and strategies we have in place for this project, we predict to gather 10,000 likes across all the platforms we will advertise on.

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